If we want to see God in this life, we must look to Jesus.
Rather than deconstructing our faith, let’s only strip away anything that doesn’t match His Truth.
That acceptable year of the Lord is yet to come for us. This is the gift we look forward to as believers.
Here I give you a tool to share Christ with people who practice Hinduism and Buddhism, especially Zen, through the New Age Movement.
Just as we had the warning of imminent danger, Christians have the warning about end times with Jesus’ return for us.
Yet God opened my spiritual eyes to see Him blessing my Boaz’s prayers…My heart is full.
Jesus is the Cornerstone, the very crucial marker for our faith and life. What if there was no cornerstone? The building would be a catawampus mess. Without Jesus, our lives are a catawampus mess.
As you either enter the limbo or exit it, may you continue to trust that God is good.
All photos, unless otherwise noted, are property of Charlaine W. Martin. All rights reserved. My Boaz and I traveled to Florida for the Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In a couple of weeks ago since we love to fly. One of my favorite places to go is the Missionary Aviation tent. The stories the missionaries share always mesmerize visitors. The planes outside the tent are unlike any […]
I wasn’t prepared from him to lay it back and pour some antiseptic into the bloody mess. It put methiolate to shame!