Spiritual Discipline: Fasting

Spiritual Discipline: Fasting

Fasting is simply a spiritual discipline, another way we may place ourselves in a position for the Lord to transform us.

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When God Works in the Not-So-Normal

When God Works in the Not-So-Normal

There is nothing we can do in our own power that can compare to what God can do through us by His power. Even so, God has victory through us and despite our circumstances.

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Spiritual Discipline: Prayer

Spiritual Discipline: Prayer

Prayer is an intimate connection to our Heavenly Father, God Almighty. 

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Thrive in Living Water

Thrive in Living Water

Do we listen to Holy Spirit, or do we listen to Satan? Do we trust God to give us what we need and bless us for our obedience? We are no longer of this world, yet we are tempted to be like the world. We are called to be different, peculiar,

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Family Health History Matters

Family Health History Matters

Knowing your family health history is like a time capsule that unfolds in your life and future generations. This information can equip you to speak with your doctor productively and prepare for, avoid, or manage serious health problems.

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Plant Me Where You Want Me, Lord!

Plant Me Where You Want Me, Lord!

My roots had been ripped apart with each move too many times. I suffered transplant shock. A part of me was left behind. But then, a new friend gave me a lovely plaque: Bloom Where You are Planted. I cried. How, Lord? It hurts too much.

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 Advent Devotion Week 3: Hope

 Advent Devotion Week 3: Hope

We needed to do this for us. Why? Because Jesus came anyway.

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Advent Devotion Week 2: Love

Advent Devotion Week 2: Love

A Love Letter from God 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe […]

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Pro-Active Aging & Chronic Illness

Pro-Active Aging & Chronic Illness

Indeed, the holidays are not easy with chronic pain and fatigue after 50! But we can find ways to do so, even in winter with snow flurries and bitter cold.

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Halloween and the Encounters with the Unholy

Halloween and the Encounters with the Unholy

Have you ever felt the hair rise up on the back of your neck and experienced a horrible sense of dread you couldn’t wait to escape from, but you didn’t know why? This season is filled with horror, evil, and the unholy. If it doesn’t make you shudder, then you might want to read about some of my spine tinglers, brushes with the unholy, otherworldly beings who come against the Kingdom of God, and that the power of God is greater still.

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