There is nothing we can do in our own power that can compare to what God can do through us by His power. Even so, God has victory through us and despite our circumstances.
There is nothing we can do in our own power that can compare to what God can do through us by His power. Even so, God has victory through us and despite our circumstances.
Knowing your family health history is like a time capsule that unfolds in your life and future generations. This information can equip you to speak with your doctor productively and prepare for, avoid, or manage serious health problems.
My roots had been ripped apart with each move too many times. I suffered transplant shock. A part of me was left behind. But then, a new friend gave me a lovely plaque: Bloom Where You are Planted. I cried. How, Lord? It hurts too much.
Indeed, the holidays are not easy with chronic pain and fatigue after 50! But we can find ways to do so, even in winter with snow flurries and bitter cold.
Supplements have garnered so much attention and praise I thought it would be a good idea to share with you what I’ve learned as a fitness pro so you can make a relatively well-informed decision about them.
Sometimes we become blinded to our own sin issues that we pick at and correct someone else’s sin issues. We are often quick to criticize others, but have you noticed that the person being picked at will often accurately point out our hypocrisy? There we stand sheepishly, realizing that they are right.
. It’s as if we are in junior high again but of the older adult variety. We aren’t old, but we aren’t young either. Our bodies go haywire when adjusting between childbearing years and becoming “elderly.” What do we do now?
Yet even in our short time on earth, we can trust God’s unfailing love for us.
They don’t look and “act” their ages, at least not what most people think of when considering ages 65 and beyond. What are their secrets?