Feeling Stuck? Find Out What’s Causing You Weight Loss or Gain Problems

Feeling Stuck? Find Out What’s Causing You Weight Loss or Gain Problems

As the holiday season approaches, we battle through the grocery to snag the ingredients for our Thanksgiving feasts. Ruminating in the backs of our minds: I’m going to gain ten pounds again. Ugh! Why does Char have to bring up our WEIGHT right now? Well, I don’t, I suppose, but I have a question: When was the last time you got your checkup at your […]

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Purity of Body and Spirit

Purity of Body and Spirit

It is far better to offend people by politely refusing to participate than to offend God by blindly following the trend… God has called us to greater purity by coming back to our faith in Jesus Christ and loving Him while accepting the Truth of His Word.

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