When God Works in the Not-So-Normal

When God Works in the Not-So-Normal

There is nothing we can do in our own power that can compare to what God can do through us by His power. Even so, God has victory through us and despite our circumstances.

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 Advent Devotion Week 3: Hope

 Advent Devotion Week 3: Hope

We needed to do this for us. Why? Because Jesus came anyway.

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Picking at Sawdust

Picking at Sawdust

Sometimes we become blinded to our own sin issues that we pick at and correct someone else’s sin issues. We are often quick to criticize others, but have you noticed that the person being picked at will often accurately point out our hypocrisy? There we stand sheepishly, realizing that they are right.

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Live Love Out Loud

<strong>Live Love Out Loud</strong>

Love means meeting each other’s heart needs so we never run dry.

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Waiting for God’s “Yes!”

Waiting for God’s “Yes!”

You can’t go wrong waiting for God’s “Yes!”

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The Power of Our Words

The Power of Our Words

But when we share the truth with Christ’s love, everyone wins.

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Living this Crazy Life

Living this Crazy Life

Yet God opened my spiritual eyes to see Him blessing my Boaz’s prayers…My heart is full.

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The Importance of Plumb and Square

The Importance of Plumb and Square

Jesus is the Cornerstone, the very crucial marker for our faith and life. What if there was no cornerstone? The building would be a catawampus mess. Without Jesus, our lives are a catawampus mess.

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Living in Limbo

Living in Limbo

As you either enter the limbo or exit it, may you continue to trust that God is good.

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Permanently Inked

Permanently Inked

Although my permanent wedding band is a physical symbol of committed marital love, Christians will have a spiritual symbol of our union with Christ, indelibly marking us as His.

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