Advent Devotion Week 4: Joy

 Advent Devotion Week 4: Joy

I’m essentially nobody, but when my name appears with one of my essays in a book. I’m overjoyed that my name appears alongside some incredibly gifted authors. It feels good, but I hardly feel worthy to have my name printed inside because I’m serving God by following His call on my life.

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Menopot Meltdown Recap

Menopot Meltdown Recap

. It’s as if we are in junior high again but of the older adult variety. We aren’t old, but we aren’t young either. Our bodies go haywire when adjusting between childbearing years and becoming “elderly.” What do we do now?

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Learning to Age Wisely

<strong>Learning to Age Wisely</strong>

Yet even in our short time on earth, we can trust God’s unfailing love for us.

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Learning How to Actively Age

Learning How to Actively Age

They don’t look and “act” their ages, at least not what most people think of when considering ages 65 and beyond. What are their secrets?

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Feeling Stuck? Find Out What’s Causing You Weight Loss or Gain Problems

Feeling Stuck? Find Out What’s Causing You Weight Loss or Gain Problems

As the holiday season approaches, we battle through the grocery to snag the ingredients for our Thanksgiving feasts. Ruminating in the backs of our minds: I’m going to gain ten pounds again. Ugh! Why does Char have to bring up our WEIGHT right now? Well, I don’t, I suppose, but I have a question: When was the last time you got your checkup at your […]

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Dummy-Proofed? Showing Myself Grace

Dummy-Proofed? Showing Myself Grace

If Jesus could give me grace, then I realize I should extend grace to myself.

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Your Inner Health Reflects on the Outside

Your Inner Health Reflects on the Outside

6 Ways to Improve Your Hair, Skin, and Nail Health In the early 2000s, when I worked at a YMCA, my complexion was horrible. I had what appeared to be cystic acne that left huge scars on my face, shoulders, and chest. Since I worked in a swimsuit teaching water exercise and swimming, I was embarrassed by how I looked. All I could think was, […]

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