Week 4

Be Totally Fit for Life! invites you to join our #COMMITYOURHEART Movement mobilizing Christians and Churches to take care of their hearts for effective service to God, family, and community. Sign up to join this challenge. Get moving and begin eating healthy to take care of your physical heart. Go deeper in your relationship with God through Bible memorization and prayer while strengthening family bonds and connecting in your community. Commit your heart to the Lord physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually, and the Lord will strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). Visit our Facebook group for encouragement, accountability, and fellowship!

We have #COMMITYOURHEART Challenge Gear for churches, ministries, and individuals. Come to our Webstore store soon! #COMMITYOURHEART T-shirt, mug, water bottle, or hat. We will add products to motivate you and others to commit your heart to the Lord in all ways. For church and ministry groups, ask about group pricing, pledge cards, and ideas to implement #COMMITYOURHEART in your organization.

Join our Facebook Group to share what you are doing and how God blesses you in this endeavor. Participation is free. PLEASE, GET YOUR MEDICAL PROVIDER’S APPROVAL BEFORE BEGINNING ANY NEW EXERCISE.

Pastors and Ministry Leaders

It is FREE to join this Movement! It doesn’t matter when you begin #COMMITYOURHEART in your church or ministry, but the best months are January, February, September, and October. To use our logo, you must register and ask to receive permission to use the logo in your bulletin, website, social media, and advertising. A reproducible pledge card template is available for your organization’s use. It would help if you used the #COMMITYOURHEART Movement in all your correspondence and social media posts relating to this challenge. You may order T-shirts, hats, water bottles, and mugs in large quantities, email us.

Have participants go to our Facebook page to share their victories, struggles, and more about the #COMMITYOURHEART Movement. We want to cheer them on!

Ideas for Churches, Ministries, and Christian Leaders to join this Movement:

  • Ask permission to use the #COMMITYOURHEART logo (No one may not alter the logo in any way, only resized) for advertising and communications. Get our free template to make pledge cards for each person participating to sign to encourage accountability. Pray over each pledge and person every day from February 1 to March 1. You can also set your first day and end day 30 days later. You can put this challenge in motion any time in the year, but January, February (our focus on heart health month), and September are excellent times to begin. You might prefer the beginning of Spring, like April or May, to have Praise and Prayer walks with prayer stations.
  • Set up a kick-off with prayer, healthy treats, and fun activities for people of any age to do. Encourage families to participate together. Some ideas are old-fashioned games like 4-Square, Potato Sack Races, and more. 
  • Set Walk Breaks during your workday. If it is too cold or rainy to walk outdoors, walk the hallways in your building. Designate someone to lead the rest. Begin in prayer Committing Your Heart to the Lord. Sing upbeat hymns, praise choruses, or play Praise and Worship music as you walk at a moderate pace. Consider some of your staff’s limits by having a designated person hang back with those who are slower or have health problems.
  • Encourage your members to have healthy, great-tasting healthy foods at your gatherings. Have a group of people who love eating healthy makes idea cards for easy, low-cost, tasty treats for your congregation to pick up after service. Instead of donuts, offer fresh cut fruit, raisins, and other nutritious treats with the coffee, tea, and water station. Please, refrain from promoting fad diets.
  • Spend time praying over people in your congregation who have had heart attacks, strokes, and other heat-related illnesses. Be encouraging and supportive of them as they begin rehab after hospitalization.
  • Pastors and Ministry Leaders set the example! Take care of your heart by doing heart-healthy cardiovascular exercise. Let your congregation members know you are in your gym or rec center by saying “Hi!” to them when you see them.
  • Have the people in your church or ministry use the #COMMITYOURHEART in their social media posts about their workouts and healthy eats.
  • Start health and fitness ministries in your church. 
  1. Allow clean and God-honoring exercise classes to have space and time in your gym or a fellowship hall. But, please, refrain from having Yoga or Tai Chi groups in your church because they are rooted in Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, even though some that claim to be Christian. If you want help evaluating these, contact us. A safe health and fitness organization with exercise classes is PraiseMoves. 
  2. Begin basketball, baseball, softball, or soccer leagues as an evangelistic outreach in your community. 
  3. Get cycling and running groups started. My church has Team Woodside, for example. 
  4. Start a walking group with a designated leader. 
  5. Host  Healthy Lifestyles 12-Week Focus Group to keep the momentum going improving health and losing weight while improving relationships and maintaining faith in your church. We have group leader training available. Contact us.

Several ideas are possible that you can use to promote healthy Christian living in your churches and communities.