Eventually, we must put the past where it belongs because God has something better for us.
Eventually, we must put the past where it belongs because God has something better for us.
My shells represent us—broken people. Often discarded as ugly, useless, and therefore unwanted, God showed me their beauty.
One stark realization we’ve had in our retirement dream is that what we imagine never happens the way we thought it would.
A friend and I were talking the other day about how churches have impacted us, and today’s passage in Ephesians 2:19 got my brain gears churning. We both concluded that we go because God’s Word tells us not to forsake the gathering together of believers (Hebrews 10:25), but also because of how we should do as Jesus did: Jesus went into the Synagogue as was […]
When you put Simplicity and Solitude together and anchor them with prayer, this hub hold
s all the other spiritual disciplines in our lives.
Fasting is simply a spiritual discipline, another way we may place ourselves in a position for the Lord to transform us.
There is nothing we can do in our own power that can compare to what God can do through us by His power. Even so, God has victory through us and despite our circumstances.
So you find a dress like your husband’s friend’s wife and wear it on your date when you give him the aftershave you liked on his friend, and then tell him how much you love him. How well would that go over with your husband?.. Why would we offer God something that He doesn’t like or want?
Do we listen to Holy Spirit, or do we listen to Satan? Do we trust God to give us what we need and bless us for our obedience? We are no longer of this world, yet we are tempted to be like the world. We are called to be different, peculiar,