Happy Heart Month!

Happy Heart Month!

This month is National Heart Health Month and our #COMMITYOURHEART Movement at Be Totally Fit for Life! If you’ve noticed red dresses around the ‘net, hopefully you realize it’s not because of Valentine’s Day. It is about Heart Health Awareness. As many of you know, but some of you will discover, I have an autoimmune disease that affects my heart and blood vessels. In 2017 […]

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#COMMITYOURHEART: St. Valentine’s-Style Love

#COMMITYOURHEART:        St. Valentine’s-Style Love

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34 NIV Happy belated Valentine’s Day! Sorry, there was no post last week for our #COMMITYOURHEART Movement month. I had a family emergency with my Mom. She had a nasty infection that made her lethargic, so she went to the emergency room. We almost […]

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#COMMITYOURHEART: Make Your Heart Jesus’ Home

#COMMITYOURHEART: Make Your Heart Jesus’ Home

I wasn’t prepared from him to lay it back and pour some antiseptic into the bloody mess. It put methiolate to shame!

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