Is There a Veil between the Living and the Dead?

Is There a Veil between the Living and the Dead?

Most adults fondly remember Halloween as a fun time to dress up in costumes of all sorts and go from door to door begging for sweet treats. But, if you ask them today what Halloween is, some will say the night before All Saint’s Day, while others don’t honestly know. So what is Halloween? Is there a thin veil between the living and the dead around October 31? What ought Christians consider when this time of year rolls around? How should we respond?

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A Story Behind Every Body *Updated*

A Story Behind Every Body *Updated*

We become our own harshest critic when others’ criticism sinks down deep into our hearts.

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Judge Not: A Story Behind Every Body

Judge Not: A Story Behind Every Body

Encore post from 2013. Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash. Since I’ve been in health and fitness for a long time, I’ve learned not to judge anyone by appearance. However, a conversation with a woman who struggled with her self-image and weight brought several people to my mind. This discussion inspired me to write this post. People with health conditions who take medications causing […]

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