Charlaine Martin


Every day is always an Adventure with God!

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Special Destinations

Check out some of the different places on my website. Wherever God takes us, whether scary, fun, or perilous, He is always molding us more into the image of His Son. Come on, I love sharing adventures with friends!

About Charlaine

Everywhere I go, God takes me on adventures. Some of them are wonderful while others I really don’t want to repeat. All of them are challenges that have stretched me growing my faith.

Writer and Speaker

Charlaine Martin has a deep desire to help women find their value in God’s eyes. As she speaks to your audience, they will begin to find blessings in the daily adventures God has for each one.

Be Totally Fit for Life!

May you be inspired to take charge of your own health. You have this one body to use while you are here on this earth. I want to help you discover how to treat it well. May you find refreshment for your journey to total health!

Twice Blessed

My high school sweetheart and husband of 29 years passed away from a long battle with cancer. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest …

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Spiritual Discipline: Fasting

Spiritual Discipline: Fasting

Fasting is simply a spiritual discipline, another way we may place ourselves in a position for the Lord to transform us.

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When God Works in the Not-So-Normal

When God Works in the Not-So-Normal

There is nothing we can do in our own power that can compare to what God can do through us by His power. Even so, God has victory through us and despite our circumstances.

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Spiritual Discipline: Prayer

Spiritual Discipline: Prayer

Prayer is an intimate connection to our Heavenly Father, God Almighty. 

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Every day is always an Adventure with God!

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