God Watch: Following God in His Work

God Watch: Following God in His Work

Going on a God watch helps us recognize God’s work in our lives that we might follow Him on His adventure for us.

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Aviation Missions: Helping Missionaries Reach the World for Christ

Aviation Missions: Helping Missionaries Reach the World for Christ

All photos, unless otherwise noted, are property of Charlaine W. Martin. All rights reserved. My Boaz and I traveled to Florida for the Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In a couple of weeks ago since we love to fly. One of my favorite places to go is the Missionary Aviation tent. The stories the missionaries share always mesmerize visitors. The planes outside the tent are unlike any […]

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Playing Catch-Up

Playing Catch-Up

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash Hi, Everyone. I’m playing catch-up after being gone for two weeks, then coming home sick with a stomach bug—one whole year of the Pandemic, not even a sniffle. We got our Covid vaccines and went to see family in Florida and Colorado. Boom! A non-Covid virus got us! There’s a reason why grandkids are so doggone cute. They are […]

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