Be Totally Fit for Life! RESET

Be Totally Fit for Life! RESET

Get Back to Basics Whew! How did we get so bogged down that we don’t have time for exercise, rest, Bible study, or couple time? My Boaz and I have been reeling in overwhelm this year. Preparing for retirement was more work than we anticipated.  On top of it all, our retirement house is being built, we are downsizing to move, I’m dealing with my […]

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Heading UP!

Heading UP!

Insights from Our Trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan My Boaz and I recently ran away from home for our seventh honeymoon. Seven years? Where has the time gone? We needed a break from our day-to-day stuff. We usually want to get away together for our anniversary. It was exactly what we needed. The Upper Peninsula ads caught our attention, so we packed our […]

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#COMMITYOURHEART: Make Your Heart Jesus’ Home

#COMMITYOURHEART: Make Your Heart Jesus’ Home

I wasn’t prepared from him to lay it back and pour some antiseptic into the bloody mess. It put methiolate to shame!

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The Joining Together of Squirrel and Mouse:

The Joining Together of Squirrel and Mouse:

Our spouses need a loving best friend-partner in life adventures, not a critical parent figure to whip him or her into shape.

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