The Importance of Plumb and Square

The Importance of Plumb and Square

Jesus is the Cornerstone, the very crucial marker for our faith and life. What if there was no cornerstone? The building would be a catawampus mess. Without Jesus, our lives are a catawampus mess.

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Living in Limbo

Living in Limbo

As you either enter the limbo or exit it, may you continue to trust that God is good.

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Permanently Inked

Permanently Inked

Although my permanent wedding band is a physical symbol of committed marital love, Christians will have a spiritual symbol of our union with Christ, indelibly marking us as His.

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Be Totally Fit for Life! RESET

Be Totally Fit for Life! RESET

Get Back to Basics Whew! How did we get so bogged down that we don’t have time for exercise, rest, Bible study, or couple time? My Boaz and I have been reeling in overwhelm this year. Preparing for retirement was more work than we anticipated.  On top of it all, our retirement house is being built, we are downsizing to move, I’m dealing with my […]

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Heading UP!

Heading UP!

Insights from Our Trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan My Boaz and I recently ran away from home for our seventh honeymoon. Seven years? Where has the time gone? We needed a break from our day-to-day stuff. We usually want to get away together for our anniversary. It was exactly what we needed. The Upper Peninsula ads caught our attention, so we packed our […]

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Give Jesus Center-stage in Your Totally Healthy Living Plan

Give Jesus Center-stage in Your Totally Healthy Living Plan

While I lay in bed with tears streaming down my face, I tried to figure out how to move forward with my life and keep my gym job… I realized that all I accomplished was by the grace of God, not of my own works.

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Happy Heart Month!

Happy Heart Month!

This month is National Heart Health Month and our #COMMITYOURHEART Movement at Be Totally Fit for Life! If you’ve noticed red dresses around the ‘net, hopefully you realize it’s not because of Valentine’s Day. It is about Heart Health Awareness. As many of you know, but some of you will discover, I have an autoimmune disease that affects my heart and blood vessels. In 2017 […]

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#COMMITYOURHEART: Make Your Heart Jesus’ Home

#COMMITYOURHEART: Make Your Heart Jesus’ Home

I wasn’t prepared from him to lay it back and pour some antiseptic into the bloody mess. It put methiolate to shame!

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UPDATE: Our Healthy Lifestyles Intro Class and Giveaway

UPDATE: Our Healthy Lifestyles Intro Class and Giveaway

You will get some basic foundational truths about health, weight loss, and how Christian faith and relationships are part of living a totally healthy lifestyle focused on Jesus Christ is all about. I am so excited to share this with you!

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Living Totally Healthy in 2021

Living Totally Healthy in 2021

I imagine the Thanksmasyears holiday fare—Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years’—makes you consider what happened to your body, too. Are you bloated? Are you carrying an extra five to ten pounds? Achy? Do you lack energy? Then it’s time to begin getting your health and weight on track with the Lord. What does that mean?

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