You can’t go wrong waiting for God’s “Yes!”
As you survey the damage, whether short-term or long-term, you can understand better what may limit your exercise. Whatever you do, avoid pushing your body to comply with your desire to become fit in a day or two.
Yet God opened my spiritual eyes to see Him blessing my Boaz’s prayers…My heart is full.
Some are so desperate for healing they will do anything, even if it’s from ancient religious or pagan practices, just like the paralyzed man from the Pool of Bethesda. It sounds good—angels stirring the water. The god within can heal you. But…
“If you’ve become obsessed about weighing yourself often to see if you’ve lost weight, then put the scale away.” Your value does not come from your weight, it comes from our Creator.
Jesus is the Cornerstone, the very crucial marker for our faith and life. What if there was no cornerstone? The building would be a catawampus mess. Without Jesus, our lives are a catawampus mess.
As you either enter the limbo or exit it, may you continue to trust that God is good.
We become our own harshest critic when others’ criticism sinks down deep into our hearts.
When we reap the consequences of our sin, He knows and reaches out to us, offering to help us out of it.