Some are so desperate for healing they will do anything, even if it’s from ancient religious or pagan practices, just like the paralyzed man from the Pool of Bethesda. It sounds good—angels stirring the water. The god within can heal you. But…
Some are so desperate for healing they will do anything, even if it’s from ancient religious or pagan practices, just like the paralyzed man from the Pool of Bethesda. It sounds good—angels stirring the water. The god within can heal you. But…
Jesus is the Cornerstone, the very crucial marker for our faith and life. What if there was no cornerstone? The building would be a catawampus mess. Without Jesus, our lives are a catawampus mess.
This is an encore post from a couple of years ago which was wildly popular. Enjoy! I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed that most Christmases start around Thanksgiving and finally end around Valentine’s Day. Why? Because we get hooked on hyper-flavoring, fats, sweets, and salts. Our notion of veggies looks more like mushy green beans—very few of them—doing the backstroke in mushroom soup […]
6 Ways to Improve Your Hair, Skin, and Nail Health In the early 2000s, when I worked at a YMCA, my complexion was horrible. I had what appeared to be cystic acne that left huge scars on my face, shoulders, and chest. Since I worked in a swimsuit teaching water exercise and swimming, I was embarrassed by how I looked. All I could think was, […]
As you either enter the limbo or exit it, may you continue to trust that God is good.
Most adults fondly remember Halloween as a fun time to dress up in costumes of all sorts and go from door to door begging for sweet treats. But, if you ask them today what Halloween is, some will say the night before All Saint’s Day, while others don’t honestly know. So what is Halloween? Is there a thin veil between the living and the dead around October 31? What ought Christians consider when this time of year rolls around? How should we respond?
We become our own harshest critic when others’ criticism sinks down deep into our hearts.
Although my permanent wedding band is a physical symbol of committed marital love, Christians will have a spiritual symbol of our union with Christ, indelibly marking us as His.
It’s as if someone took all my thoughts and put them in a crazy maze or, on a really awful day, tossed all my words in the air, scattering them at random everywhere. From the outside, it must look like people with autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, and chemo brain from cancer treatments “aren’t quite all there.”
When we reap the consequences of our sin, He knows and reaches out to us, offering to help us out of it.