My shells represent us—broken people. Often discarded as ugly, useless, and therefore unwanted, God showed me their beauty.
My shells represent us—broken people. Often discarded as ugly, useless, and therefore unwanted, God showed me their beauty.
Do we listen to Holy Spirit, or do we listen to Satan? Do we trust God to give us what we need and bless us for our obedience? We are no longer of this world, yet we are tempted to be like the world. We are called to be different, peculiar,
My roots had been ripped apart with each move too many times. I suffered transplant shock. A part of me was left behind. But then, a new friend gave me a lovely plaque: Bloom Where You are Planted. I cried. How, Lord? It hurts too much.
Not everyone loves the Baby in the Manger who grew up as the Savior of the World, and not everyone will love us because of Him.
I’m essentially nobody, but when my name appears with one of my essays in a book. I’m overjoyed that my name appears alongside some incredibly gifted authors. It feels good, but I hardly feel worthy to have my name printed inside because I’m serving God by following His call on my life.
Yet believers are hoodwinked by the Serpent, who slithers in under the radar, into believing these classes have no religious teachings. Worse yet, some use religious lingo that sounds Christian but is not.
As communities become less tolerant of our Christian faith, they need us more, even though they don’t know it.
Sometimes we become blinded to our own sin issues that we pick at and correct someone else’s sin issues. We are often quick to criticize others, but have you noticed that the person being picked at will often accurately point out our hypocrisy? There we stand sheepishly, realizing that they are right.
The Lamb of God shed His blood for us, preserving us for eternal glory, passing
us through judgment as clean.
Rather than deconstructing our faith, let’s only strip away anything that doesn’t match His Truth.