Permanently Inked

Focus Verse: and who has also put his seal on us and given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. 2 Corinthians 1:22 ESV
My husband and I had been married for quite a while, but we had a couple of problems: he injured his ring finger at work, and my wedding rings almost slipped off in the deep end of the pool where I taught swimming. So, we decided to have our wedding bands permanently tattooed on our fingers to eliminate these problems. After all, we had no intentions of divorce. So, my husband, a bi-vocational pastor, asked his work buddies in his secular job about a reputable tattoo parlor. They told him about one not far from work.
We visited Cyn on Skin that weekend. The person behind the counter peered at us through Steampunk spectacles, concerned we had come in by mistake. “How can I help you?” This man was a walking art gallery for the fantastic detail Cyndy, the shop owner, put into her work. We figured he wasn’t used to seeing pastors and their wives come into the shop to get inked.
“A friend at work recommended Cyndy to us. We want to get our wedding bands tattooed on our fingers,” Don replied with a kind mutual curiosity, studying a design on the man’s shoulder peeking out from under his leather vest.
“Oh, you’ve come to the right place!” the man studied the cross design we brought in, then led us to a room with a special chair, stool, and tattoo artistry tools. To make a long story short, our permanent wedding bands started a series of conversations about Christian covenant marriage with everyone who asked about them.
We never divorced, but God took Don Home, leaving me with a permanent wedding band as a reminder of our forever love. After Don passed away, my tattooed wedding band stood out to men I later dated. They asked if I would consider removing it. At one point, I tried, mainly because it would be offensive to my new husband’s family. But it never faded when I used a highly rated tattoo remover. Now it peeks out from under my wedding ring set after residing on my finger for twenty years. Some people still ask about it.
Although my permanent wedding band is a physical symbol of committed marital love, Christians will have a spiritual symbol of our union with Christ, indelibly marking us as His. Although we can’t see it when we look in the mirror, God will reveal it when we live in eternity with Him. Only those redeemed by the Lamb will live with God in eternity. A glorious scene will surround us in the eternal presence of God on His throne and Jesus, the Lamb. It won’t be offensive, nor will it stir controversy; instead, it will be a symbol of our forever love relationship with our Savior. We, the Church, the Bride of Christ, can rejoice because we are His!
Do you know Jesus as your Savior? If so, you will have His Name on your forehead identifying you as His when you stand before His throne. For non-believers in the end times, they will wear the mark of the Beast on their foreheads or hands instead (Revelation 13:16-17). On the day of Judgement, they will stand before God but will be cast into the Lake of Fire, the Second Death (Revelation 20:13-15).
If not, what holds you back from accepting Jesus as your Savior? He loves you so much and wants you to spend eternity with Him. Will you receive his gift of salvation, sealing you with His name for the day of redemption? You can pray to accept his death on the cross for your sins and receive his loving gift today. Prayer to accept Jesus as your Savior:
Jesus, I’m a sinner, and I’m sorry. My thoughts, attitudes, and actions do not reflect Your goodness. Be my Savior and Lord. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins and giving me Your Name. I look forward to having a place in your Kingdom for eternity. Please, lead me, guide me, and direct me every day. Amen.
We who are His Bride can rejoice! We have His Name permanently marked on us. You can pray this prayer if you already know Him as your Savior:
Lord, I thank You for the love You poured out on the cross for me. I will gladly bear Your Name permanently marked on my forehead and live forever with You. Thank You for sealing me for the day You will redeem me as Yours. Amen.
If you prayed one of these prayers, I would love to hear from you. If you have questions, feel free to contact me at Many blessings to you!